Classic Equine Low Ported Barrel Shanked Bit

$109.99 $98.99

1 in stock


Extremely versatile, this bit can be used for training drills, pleasure riding, or competition. The 7 1/2 inch cheek has a 2-1/2 inch purchase with a 5 inch shank. The shank is swept back, which offers more leverage and control. When properly adjusted, it is still considered a mild cheek, but one with plenty of leverage for control at increased speeds. The Low Port Barrel is a highly universal bit that works well for anything from training to pleasure riding to competition. When engaged, the low port provides tongue relief as slight pressure is applied to the bars of the mouth and to the palate. Each side works independently from the port for increased lateral flexion. Beautiful tooling on the shanks that will make this bit stank out in a crowd.

Additional information

Weight 11.9 lbs
Dimensions 12 × 3 × 1 in


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