Myler 3-Ring Combination Bit – 6″ Shank with Sweet Iron Low Port Comfort Snaffle MB 04


SKU 89-31045 Categories , , , , , ,


Myler Stainless Steel 6″ 3-Ring Combination Bit, MB 04 Low Port Comfort Snaffle, Level 2

The MB 04 is similar to the MB 02 in that it will rotate on the tongue and apply tongue pressure, however, it has a small (¼”) port that introduces some tongue relief to the horse. The port allows the horse to swallow and move his tongue when he is moving forward and relaxed, which acts as a release or reward. The mouthpiece is curved, and it wraps around the bars and lips instead of pinching. Sweet iron mouthpiece oxidizes and encourages salivation.

Independent Side Movement
Sweet Iron Mouthpiece
Curved mouthpiece does not pinch lips and bars
Copper Inlay
Notes: The MB 04 provides an excellent transition from Level One to Level Two. It is suitable for a wide range of horses including green horses, experienced horses entering the Myler System, horses that have been ridden exclusively in a single-jointed mouthpiece, or horses that have not been ridden for a while needing re-schooling.

The 6″ stainless steel 3-ring combination bit is a hybrid of a ring bit, shank bit, and hackamore and uses five different pressure points to disperse rein pressure. Because the noseband and chin strap are connected through the purchase, when the reins are engaged, the horse first feels nose, chin and poll pressure before he feels the mouthpiece. The mouthpiece can slide 1″ before reaching a stop, where it will then engage and apply pressure. The purpose is to give the horse an opportunity to respond to the rider’s rein signals before applying mouthpiece pressure. The combination bit has Independent Swivel Cheek and the purchase is slightly angled away from the cheek to prevent rubbing. The noseband is flat leather with knotted cord on either side and the chin strap is synthetic to avoid stretching over time.

Action: Indirect

Discipline: English or Western

Degree of Leverage: The 3-ring combination bit offers three different rein positions: the big ring, middle ring and bottom ring.

Big Ring = No leverage
Middle Ring = Mild
Bottom Ring = Mild
Notes: If you ride with your rein attached to the big ring, it will function only as a direct rein snaffle and not apply nose, chin, poll pressure as a combination bit.

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 6 × 8 × 1 in

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